In my last couple of posts, I promised I would talk about the power of creating an advertising CAMPAIGN, rather than just individual ads in individual media. However, before I do that, there is another powerful tool I want to cover first -- using different ad campaigns for different target markets.
Don't forget, the whole HOODOO concept is about carefully targeting your market -- those prospects who will see the most value in the property for them, based on their particular value structure at that time in their life -- and who will therefore be prepared to pay the highest price.

Talk to them only!
Talk to them only!
This is vitally important. This is what professional advertising agencies do with every product or service they sell on behalf of their clients. Every product we see advertised is aimed at a specific market. It may be aimed at men, women, seniors, children, affluent people, mass market, brand label conscious people, and the list goes on.
I talked before about your ads becoming a personal communication, which can be read by your prospective buyers, as if you are talking directly to them -- that is targetted marketing.
I talked before about your ads becoming a personal communication, which can be read by your prospective buyers, as if you are talking directly to them -- that is targetted marketing.
However, ads I see all the time saying things like "ideal for first home buyer or investor" are not targetted marketing and once you mix two very different markets into the same ad, you cannot communicate directly with either one of them. It's like trying to have a conversation with an 80-year-old and a five-year-old in the same sentence -- it can't be done.
Now, before we look at communicating with each of those markets separately, let's have a look at the "checklist" that will help you to choose the best possible target market for each property you list -- in some cases, as above, two totally different relevant markets.
The advertising experts will normally split this into three distinct areas, using one, two or sometimes all three, to ensure they are right on target. See how easy it makes it for you:
Where is the purchaser of this property likely to come from? ie. local area; particular suburbs; beyond greater city area; another city, state or country.
Age, sex, income, singles, couples, families; occupation / profession / investors, etc.
Expectations and aspirations: hobbies, habits, preferences, likes and dislikes. eg. People who love entertaining, gardening, golfing, relaxing, peace, activity, etc.
By focusing on each of these 3 areas, it becomes so much easier to determine who your ad campaign should be directed at to generate the greatest (qualified) response.
(Important note: always be aware of any anti-discrimination laws in your particular state and make sure you don't transgress them. Targetted marketing is about offering the property to the best possible prospects, who will have their needs satisfied the best, not about discriminating, but please apply common sense and be aware of your local laws).
Different ads for different target markets
Now, before we look at communicating with each of those markets separately, let's have a look at the "checklist" that will help you to choose the best possible target market for each property you list -- in some cases, as above, two totally different relevant markets.
Selecting your target market
The advertising experts will normally split this into three distinct areas, using one, two or sometimes all three, to ensure they are right on target. See how easy it makes it for you:
Where is the purchaser of this property likely to come from? ie. local area; particular suburbs; beyond greater city area; another city, state or country.
Age, sex, income, singles, couples, families; occupation / profession / investors, etc.
Expectations and aspirations: hobbies, habits, preferences, likes and dislikes. eg. People who love entertaining, gardening, golfing, relaxing, peace, activity, etc.
By focusing on each of these 3 areas, it becomes so much easier to determine who your ad campaign should be directed at to generate the greatest (qualified) response.
(Important note: always be aware of any anti-discrimination laws in your particular state and make sure you don't transgress them. Targetted marketing is about offering the property to the best possible prospects, who will have their needs satisfied the best, not about discriminating, but please apply common sense and be aware of your local laws).
Different ads for different target markets
Now, if you look at the concept of running two totally different campaigns, aimed at two totally different markets in all the media you're using, it makes absolute sense.
In each case, the ads will evoke a better response, as they read so much more personally and therefore more powerfully. Added to that is the fact that you will be reaching two different markets at the same time, giving more chance of competition between prospective buyers from both markets.
You remember the headline I used in the successful campaign that sold our investment property?
As you can see, there is no discrimination here and the laws of common sense dictate that someone reading the first headline, who was looking for a place to live in, can say to themselves, when they see that headline and the photo "I'd love to live there and watch the waves every day -- let's go and have a look".
Also, an investor reading either of the two headlines above could assume that property would be a good investment with a high rental return (possibly with an ulterior motive of living in the property in years to come).
Another example of a property where first home buyers or investors are equally feasible markets -- some headlines could be as simple as:-
The reality is that most Realtors never think about the idea of running two different campaigns for the same property, so the minute you do it for any of your properties, your ad campaigns will be different. They will stand out and they will achieve way more results.
In each case, the ads will evoke a better response, as they read so much more personally and therefore more powerfully. Added to that is the fact that you will be reaching two different markets at the same time, giving more chance of competition between prospective buyers from both markets.
You remember the headline I used in the successful campaign that sold our investment property?
Watch the waves ...... and the $$$’s roll in!
If we had been aiming to sell the property to someone who would live in it, the headline could have been something like: Watch the waves .....every day.
Your view ...... every morning!
Your view, your lifestyle ... every day!
Your view ...... every morning!
Your view, your lifestyle ... every day!
As you can see, there is no discrimination here and the laws of common sense dictate that someone reading the first headline, who was looking for a place to live in, can say to themselves, when they see that headline and the photo "I'd love to live there and watch the waves every day -- let's go and have a look".
Also, an investor reading either of the two headlines above could assume that property would be a good investment with a high rental return (possibly with an ulterior motive of living in the property in years to come).
Another example of a property where first home buyers or investors are equally feasible markets -- some headlines could be as simple as:-
Could this be your first home?
Secure your future with this great investment.
Secure your future with this great investment.
The reality is that most Realtors never think about the idea of running two different campaigns for the same property, so the minute you do it for any of your properties, your ad campaigns will be different. They will stand out and they will achieve way more results.
All too often, I see Realtors with totally different ads in different media. They don't even look like each other. In this case, it means that each ad is having to start from scratch with the readers rather than having an accumulative effect to get the best results.
More about this in my next post, when I will finally share with you, the advertising experts secrets about "reach and frequency" aimed at as many "OTS" as possible, for the best possible outcome. After that, explaining the synergistic effect of getting all your media to work with and complement each other, rather than viewing them in isolation.
Once you understand how CAMPAIGN advertising taps into your prospects’ conscious and subconscious minds, to give your properties "top of mind awareness", you will see how obvious and simple it is, and how amazingly powerful!
More about this in my next post, when I will finally share with you, the advertising experts secrets about "reach and frequency" aimed at as many "OTS" as possible, for the best possible outcome. After that, explaining the synergistic effect of getting all your media to work with and complement each other, rather than viewing them in isolation.
Once you understand how CAMPAIGN advertising taps into your prospects’ conscious and subconscious minds, to give your properties "top of mind awareness", you will see how obvious and simple it is, and how amazingly powerful!
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