Friday, May 21, 2010

The Top Ten Tips for Writing Great Real Estate Ads

1. "HOODOO" - a great word to help you to remember the two things that make advertising effective:- WHO - is the person who will see the most value in the property and therefore pay the highest price [that's target marketing]. DO - now show them and tell them, what they will be able to DO as a direct result of their purchase.

2. HEADLINES - Remember the WHO when you write your headline, then qualify it quickly, so the reader knows you're both on the same wavelength. Then ideally, reinforce or remind about the headline at the end of the ad. The headline must include one or more of the following:- 1.) A benefit or implied benefit 2.) Something that is new, news or topical 3.) A curiosity element without gimmicks for gimmicks sake.

3. PHOTOS - Make sure your main photo matches and works together with your headline [not the other way around] and that the other photos also match and follow the body text.

4. PEOPLE - Put people and/or pets in your photos - it's a great way to show people what they will be able to DO when they live there.

5. NAMES - Use names in your ads to personalise them - yours [in full] and even the sellers’ first or last names (with their permission, of course).

6. DIFFERENT ADS - The use of different ads for different markets, enables you to talk to each prospect group about what is relevant to them only -- e.g. one ad aimed at first home buyers and one ad aimed specifically at investors.

7. MEDIA MATCH - Make sure your internet ads match with all other media and vice versa, with particular reference to the main photo and headline.

8. KEEP THE SAME AD RUNNING - Once you've written a great ad, run it at least four times if not more, as research shows people need to see the same ad or message three times or more, on average, before they will respond

9. PRICE, LOCATION, NUMBER OF BEDROOMS - If all the research done shows conclusively that these are the top three pieces of information potential buyers require, then common sense says - give it to them!

10. OBTAIN SELLER ADVERTISING DOLLARS - Research shows that the higher the seller paid advertising percentage, the better the campaign, with more sales at higher prices. As proven across the Australian and New Zealand markets, sellers will pay, if they believe as a result, they will achieve a better end net result -- you're also guaranteed to achieve a much higher listing to selling success rate -- and retain full commission.

BONUS TIP - TEST YOUR ADS - Firstly, sellers must see the ads before they run, but most importantly, ensure at least one of your colleagues checks your ads to confirm every word and phrase will make sense to the market it is written for. Secondly, when buyers who have responded to the ads view the property, ask them if the property has matched their expectations from your ads - the feedback will be terrific and will keep your advertising right on track.

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